Monday, November 29, 2010

High rates for Ireland bailout ?

The EU, ECB and the IMF have decided to bailout Ireland.

The total amount of the bailout is 85bn Euro.  
50bn Euro are for the public deficit, 35bn are for the banks, but what is the bailout price for Ireland ?

The EU will lend money at 6%.
The IMF will lend money at 3,4%

The rates look very high for a bailout plan.
If we want to help someone in trouble with its debts, we should lend him money at a low rates, isn't it ?
Probably Irish Government will find rates doubled to finance its debt on the market but this is not a good reason to lend them money at 6% when the ECB rates on the main refinancing operations is at 1%.

Maybe have we forgotten that over two years ago, Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan guaranteed all of the deposits and other liabilities of all of the Irish banks, and the the problem we are facing nowadays are sons of that intervention ?

Maybe we forgot that the banks, all the EU banks, since the Lehman Brother collapse, are refinancing themselves directly at ECB through the LTROs and the MROs...for unlimited amount and at 1% fixed rate.

Can somebody explain me why the banks should pay 1% for liquidity and a EU member State should pay 6%, cut the public employees wages, cut the welfare state and so on ?

This EU is just a bank and a money matter. Money comes firts than people.
It's time to change.

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